Saturday 20 February 2010


The Great Wall of China is the only man-made object that can be seen from outer space.

Fact: No Man Made object can be seen by the human eye from the realms of space.

In June 1969, when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, returned safely from their epic journey to the moon they were whisked off on a frenzy of visits across the globe to share their experience with the World.

During their visit to China, Neil and Buzz were confronted by a Great Wall of Chinese Reporters. All asking, via interpreters, one question...'Can you see the Great Wall of China from outer space?'

Neil stepped up to the podium, pondered the question for a moment and putting on his diplomatic hat remarked:

'If you could see any man-made object from outer-space, it would be the Great Wall of China!'

The interpreters translated the message to the eager throng of reporters who exploded in a frenzy!

The following day's Headlines, throughout the World read:

'Great Wall of China Only Man-Made Object Seen from Space!'